The company Checks in the mail is one of the leading suppliers and direct marketers of bank checks. The Top 6 Best Places To Order Checks Online While buying checks from a bank is usually the usual route, you might save money buying checks from a national chain such as Walmart Checks. You can order checks from anywhere you like, but it’s a great idea to find reputable companies with great reviews when thinking about purchasing personal checks online. Researching the company will help you stay safe when purchasing online. Additionally, look up reviews of the company in a Google search and see what others are saying about the company. Look for things such as the security & terms of the website, usually located at the bottom of the companies’ homepage. However, you want to make sure that you research the company you are thinking about purchasing your checks from online. Final Thoughts about How to Order Checks Online Safely.Check The Sites Security & Terms of Service Page Make Sure The Checks Have The Padlock Symbol What Are Secure or High-Security Checks?.Is it safe to order checks from checks in the mail?.Is It Safe To Order Checks Online From Costco?.Is It Cheaper To Order Checks Online Or At The Bank?.